10 Horrifying Hellscapes That Video Game Heroes Call Home
4. The Box - Clive Barker's Jericho

If you’re in the business of trying to design a hellscape for your videogame, then who better to consult that Hellraiser-creator himself Clive Barker? Clive Barker’s Jericho takes place inside “The Box”, a strange pocket dimension cut out of the fabric of the rest of the world. Designed as a prison by God himself to contain his very first living creation; The Firstborn.
Several thousand millennia of being locked away has caused The Firstborn to become extremely bitter about humanity and all of God’s other creations, so much so that he keeps trying to break free. Each time he attempts a break-out a “Jericho” squad are sent in to stop him and each time they do, he adds a new carving of reality to his prison. This creates a hellscape where time literally works backwards, with his most recent escape attempt being during WWII and his first being way back in Sumerian times.
The madness and mayhem inside The Box is such that there is barely so much as a square inch of floor not covered in blood or decaying flesh. Those trapped inside The Box go mad and become twisted demonic entities wrapped in barbed wire or sprouting blade-tipped wings. Thing get worse the further down you go, leaving behind Nazis you find yourself trapped with the rabid child-army of the Crusades, beyond that you’re a plaything of corrupt Roman governor Cassus Vicus.
Death isn’t even a release inside The Pyxis – a swarm of flies will resurrect your broken body and you will be forced to live out the hell again and again and again.