10 Horrifying Hellscapes That Video Game Heroes Call Home


Bioshock Horror

Putting all of a populations criminal element into one area sounds like a fairly dangerous and stupid idea to begin with, even with normal criminals. When those criminals include the likes of Two-Face, The Riddler, Clayface, and The Joker, that is a recipe for a living hell.

Dr. Hugo Strange hides behind the scenes and manipulates Mayor Quincy Sharpe into converting several of the slums of Gotham City into a gigantic prison complex, with the criminals of Gotham free to run wild inside. What this effectively creates is a gigantic laboratory experiment for Strange’s own pleasure.

The Tyger guards are brutal and fascistic in their rule of the city but turn a blind eye repeatedly as the criminals resort to gang warfare, thugs gathering around various supervillains from Batman’s rogue’s gallery, desperately trying to survive and preying upon the weakest members in their new society.

If things weren’t bad enough, Sharpe and Strange are undiscerning in who they throw into the prison. Along with hardened career criminals and vicious murderers, they throw in low-level criminals guilty of nothing more than a little shoplifting or speeding a bit. It’s also clear right from the get-go that they are also throwing their political enemies into the mix as well, as a way of getting rid of them.

Things change quickly in Arkham City as each villain vies for control and expands and contracts their territory. One moment Two-Face is on top and the next moment he’s a zero. Imagine being one of these low-level criminals, trying to survive, so you throw your lot in with Two-Face only for The Joker to take over his operations a day later. Arkham City is a hell-on-earth that makes regular Gotham City look like kindergarten.

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I'm Jamie, I am a writer and filmmaker based in Essex, UK. My key interests are in film and TV, particularly horror and comedy. I've published several short stories and hoping to publish a novel soon. Specialist subjects include Resident Evil, horror movies and Doctor Who.