10 Horrifying Video Game Implications We JUST Learned

4. Donald Trump Was Almost A Playable Fighter - Tekken 7

The Last of us Ellie

In the lead up to the recent release of Tekken 8, franchise director and producer Katsuhiro Harada revealed something he probably could've just kept to himself - Donald Trump was almost a playable DLC character in the seventh game.

Harada and fellow Tekken producer Michael Murray were in the U.S. when Trump won the 2016 Presidential election, at which point they discussed putting him in the game.

After Harada suggested to Murray that they could include Trump free of legal recourse due to the President of the United States not being a licensable character, the pair began discussing what Trump's fighting style and Rage Arts would be.

However, the duo abruptly nixed plans to include Trump when their Uber driver overheard the conversation and loudly shouted "F**k Donald Trump!" while accelerating to 125mph.

While on one hand it's hilarious to consider the prospect of Trump being in a Tekken game, his sheer stink would've polluted the purity of the hit fighting game franchise. They were right to keep him well away.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.