10 Horrifying Video Game Implications We JUST Learned

3. Chocobos Smell Like... Horses? - Final Fantasy

The Last of us Ellie
Square Enix

Talking of pungent aromas, much as we'd probably all like to believe that Final Fantasy's chocobos smell sweet like, well, chocolate, that's just not the case. 

While the RPG franchise has made it clear over the years that the iconic avian creatures give off a potent whiff, until now we didn't know precisely what that meant.

In a recent video where Game Informer asked Final Fantasy VII Rebirth director Naoki Hamaguchi 129 rapid-fire questions, one of the more eccentric among them was for him to clarify exactly what the creature smell like.

Hamaguchi replied that chocobos smell "pretty bad" and "similar to a horse," implying that the strong whiff the series' NPCs are so averse to is manure or a manure-like substance.

This makes sense given that chocobos are basically Final Fantasy's version of horses, having been domesticated for transporting people and items, and of course also racing. 

All the same, in a world as fantastical as this, it'd be nice to believe they smell like something a little less offensive to the nasal cavities.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.