10 Horrifying Video Game Implications We JUST Learned

2. Joel's Corpse Was Originally A Jump-Scare - The Last Of Us Part II

The Last of us Ellie
Naughty Dog

Because The Last of Us Part II isn't already upsetting enough, the recent remaster includes three "lost" pre-alpha levels which were cut during development. 

One of these levels sees Ellie navigating Seattle's sewer system, and as she crawls through a section of said sewer, she discovers a Clicker clinging to the side of the pipe.

As Ellie attempts to crawl past, however, her torch suddenly starts malfunctioning, and when the light comes back on, the Clicker has been replaced with Joel's bloodied and beaten corpse.

It's a cruel trick to take a beloved character who was killed earlier in the game and turn them into a damn jump scare, yet that wasn't the reason the level was cut. According to game director Neil Druckmann, the segment was axed primarily for pacing reasons. 

Either way, thanks for that, Neil, and you probably could've just... never told us about this pure nightmare fuel at all, let alone invite us to play it for ourselves.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.