10 Horrifying Video Game Truths You Never Noticed

3. Enemy Corpses Rot During Time Travel - Titanfall 2

Batman Arkham
Respawn Entertainment

Titanfall 2 boasts perhaps the most criminally underappreciated single-player FPS campaign of the entire generation - a short but ingeniously executed sci-fi-action blast.

The campaign's marquee level is unquestionably "Effect and Cause," in which the player uses the Time gauntlet to leap back and forth through time, making for some of the most creative combat and traversal the genre has ever seen, frankly.

But the attention-to-detail Respawn applied to the time-hopping mechanic is such that, killing an enemy soldier in the past and leaping back to the present will then show their body in a stage of decomposition, due to the time passing between the two periods. Gross.

It's a brilliant enough gimmick that it's a genuine shame Respawn only used it for a single mission, because it's easily nuanced enough to carry an entire video game on its own.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.