10 Horrifying Video Game Truths You Never Noticed

2. The Waitress From The Start Of The Game Can Be Found In The Morgue Later - Batman: Arkham Knight

Batman Arkham
Rocksteady Studios

Batman: Arkham Knight opens with an unforgettably brutal sequence set in a diner, where the player briefly controls police officer Owens - in first-person view, no less - who is served by a kindly waitress, Sharon, and informed by a fellow patron about a man smoking in the corner of the diner.

As Owens goes to investigate, Scarecrow releases his Fear Toxin within the diner, leading to the infected patrons and staff members rabidly beating one another to death.

The scene is so utterly chaotic that we're never quite sure who lived and who died, but those who play the game's "Season of Infamy" DLC and pay a visit to the Elliot Memorial Hospital will be able to take a look in the morgue and get some answers.

Sadly, the corpses of both Sharon and the diner patron who spoke to Owens can be found in the morgue's drawers, confirming that they didn't survive Scarecrow's savage attack.

They both seemed like nice, upstanding people, but in the case of the highly affable, attentive waitress Sharon, it was an especially painful revelation. Props to the game for making you care about a minor character's fate in such a short space of time.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.