10 Horror Video Game Offers You MUST Refuse

8. The Sinking City - Aiding The Gods

Prey game

There are three options to choose from to finish The Sinking City: one to flee, one to commit suicide and one to allow a ritual to go forth causing the world to end. Offering the player the choice to allow the annihilation of mankind just for the sake of a momentary illusion of power and importance may seem stupid, but you just know that some people out there went for it straight away.

You play as Charles Winfield Reed, a private investigator brought to Oakmont not because of his superior sleuthing skills but because he has been chosen as The One to complete a ritual bringing back the old gods, which will in turn end the world as we know it.

When it all comes to boiling point at the game’s final climax, you have to choose whether to delay the apocalypse (thus hopefully allowing more time to find a way to stop it) or to just embrace it. You are offered the honour of being the sacrificial lamb to the gods, what a privilege!

You shouldn’t need me to tell you that’s a bad idea, if you have the option NOT to cause the apocalypse you should probably take it but regardless, the offer is there.

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WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.