10 Horror Video Games BANNED For Being Too Scary

4. Outlast 2

Danganronpa V3
Red Barrels

Despite the introduction of the R18+ rating in Australia in 2013, that still wasn't enough for first-person horror sequel Outlast 2 to be granted a release - at least at first - with the ACB taking massive umbrage with the game's "implied sexual violence."

Outlast 2 is certainly full of grotesque and at times envelope-pushing imagery, though given that no other major gaming market in the world followed Australia's lead, eyebrows were immediately raised by fans and, indeed, developers Red Barrels themselves.

Hilariously, it turned out that Red Barrels had accidentally sent the ACB footage from the alpha version of the game, which contained especially transgressive content which the developer had already decided not to include in the final game.

In a happy ending, the ban was overturned a mere two days later when Red Barrels sent in amended footage of the final build, which was granted a release under the R18+ banner.

That said, aren't we all at least a little curious about exactly what horrific smut the developers actually sent to the ratings board?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.