10 Horror Video Games That Desperately Need Sequels

1. System Shock

Third person thrill-rides are all well and good, but Dead Space would still be a twinkle in Papa EA's eye if it weren't for System Shock providing the blueprint on how to do heart-pounding sci-fi tension. Precursor to the Bioshock series, this had much more of a serious tact overall than the sometimes silly-looking enemy designs of the later games, pitting you up against the human-hating A.I. SHODAN, as well as letting a great many plot elements unfurl through the depositing of audio diaries you'd soak up along the way. It's easy to forget where the main tenets of titles like Bioshock: Infinite come from, but with mastermind Ken Levine leaving 2K Games this year and System Shock 2 still heralded as one of the best horror titles every created, both fans and critics would love to see him make a return. Which horror games do you want to see get another release? Let us know in the comments!
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