10 Horror Video Games With Shocking Twist Endings

8. Cry Of Fear - It Was All In His Head

Sinking city
Team Psykskallar

Set in murky, grey Sweden, Cry of Fear starts with protagonist Simon awakening having been ploughed down by a car. He soon finds that he’s in the wrong part of town, with creepy, deformed monsters lurking around every corner.

As his adventure continues, Simon comes across Sophie, his childhood best friend and crush, and later a traitorous doctor. Depending on how you play, there are a few different specifics of how the ending can play out but the main reveal is this: that the whole traversal of the monster-infested town has been a figment of Simon’s imagination.

Having suffered life-changing injuries in a car-crash years earlier, Simon became deeply depressed and, on the advice of his therapist, began writing about his traumas in a book. The Simon we have been playing as is the fictional one from the writings, Sophie and the doctor are real people in his life (the latter being his therapist) and all the monsters represent Simon’s inner turmoils.

It’s basically one big psychotic episode, which makes it a bit better than the ‘it was all a dream’ trope but it’s still on thin ice.


WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.