10 Hotly-Anticipated RPGs That Will Blow You Away In 2019

9. Anthem

Anthem Bioware E3 2018 6

Okay, let's clear one thing up first: Anthem is an RPG. Sure, it's very clearly gunning for Destiny in the way players are encouraged to team up and focus on combat in the world, but this is still Bioware, and while the project is a pretty major departure from the titles they're used to working on, there's allegedly still a player-driven story at the heart of the experience.

Yeah, it might be one of the more action-heavy RPGs on this list, but there's still enough meat here for genre fans to bite into. What we've seen from the project has been... mixed, certainly, but a new Bioware game is nothing to be sniffed at. There's a chance it might end up being nothing more than a loot grind where players are forced to engage in so-so combat and fight the same enemies over and over, but there's also the potential for it to be the kind of shared-world shooter games like Destiny and The Division promised (and failed) to be years ago.

This sub-genre isn't as young as it used to be, and hopefully Bioware have learned from the mistakes of the developers who have struggled to conquer it before them.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3