10 Hotly-Anticipated RPGs That Will Blow You Away In 2019

8. Shenmue 3

shenmue 3

Because it was announced before a single line of code had even been written, it feels a bit like Shenmue 3 has been around far longer than it actually has. Though there hasn't been a huge marketing push for the game, there's always been news trickling out about it, as recent as the reveal that the long-awaited sequel is going to be double the length of the prior releases, and that side quests are now directly tied into the main story.

That's all talk though, and fans haven't actually had a proper look at the game, which is allegedly coming out at the end of August (but considering how many delays there have been so far, who knows). Still, Shenmue fans know more or less what to expect, as the original two titles boasted an insane level of detail and world interaction for the time, all built around a compelling crime story.

It's doubtful that the third game is going to go down a more action-oriented route, and instead once again offer the same quirky RPG experience that made the series such a cult favourite in the first place. It might not do enough to draw in a huge new audience, but this franchise has always benefitted from being a smaller alternative to the bigger, mass-market hitters.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3