10 Hotly-Anticipated Video Games Still To Come In 2017

7. Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War

Lord of the Rings succeeded as a book, did even better as a movie, and if 2014's Shadow of Mordor showed anything, it's that the franchise can do amazingly as a video game. Though far from the first derived from J.R.R. Tolkien's classics, it was easily one of the most popular, winning Game of the Year and selling over three million copies worldwide.

Three years later, the sequel Shadows of War brings players back to Mordor in an aggressive new game. Sauron returns, as does an entirely new Ring of Power, forged by the protagonists Talion and Celebrimbor themselves. The war for Middle-Earth kicks off with a blast, and it's clear the game will bring with it an epic battle of good versus evil. The popular nemesis system from the first game will make an upgraded comeback, allowing players to enact vengeance on the few baddies lucky enough to strike down the character.

Release Date: 10 October


College student invested in the wide world of internet media and gaming.