10 Hotly Anticipated Video Games That Could Still Release In 2015

9. Gears Of War 4

Epic Games' original trilogy of gore-happy third-person shooters endeared itself to an entire generation of Xbox 360 owners last decade, and it stands that as new developers Black Tusk are behind the reigns - with the help of original creative visionary Rod Fergusson getting stuck in - this could be a more fan-focussed take on the mythos that ticks every box possible. And let's face it, Microsoft are going to be looking to secure a wealth of incredible titles this year, all to make up for all the misguided foot-finding following Sony's demolition of them at E3 in 2012. So far they've thrown money at both Minecraft and Rise of the Tomb Raider to get varying amounts of exclusivity, and although the idea of a cross-platform Gears was never on the table, it'd easily bolster their first-party offering considerably as they steam ahead through another very hard year.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.