10 Hotly-Anticipated Video Games That Were Abandoned After Launch

5. Assassin's Creed Unity

assassin's creed unity

Many high-profile models can make a career off just one portrait getting noticed, but one gruesome visage was all it took to make Assassin's Creed a laughing stock.

Being seen by millions - and after AC was already feeling very long in the tooth after adopting an annual release schedule for years - Unity's launch period was an absolute disaster.

assassin's creed unity dlc

Ubisoft were first contending with a staggering array of bugs and glitches proving the game had launched early, they had a controversy surrounding the omission of a female character because it required "a lot of extra production work", and the Xbox One version was pretty much on fire.

Not to mention, news of the next Assassin's Creed, then codenamed Victory in a cruel twist of fate, leaked a year ahead of time in those first few weeks, showing the studio really was treating the franchise like a production line.

To right the ship on Xbox it would take a full 40GB 'patch' that was actually a re-download of the entire game, but by that point word had spread, consumers were disgusted and Assassin's Creed had been mortally wounded, doomed to stagger on to this day.

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