10 Hotly-Anticipated Video Games That Were Abandoned After Launch

4. Battleborn

battleborn game
2K Games

Like an out of shape newcomer going up against a natural future pro, Battleborn vs. Overwatch was a race that lasted about as long as it took Tracer to say, "Cheers, love!"

In honesty, Battleborn - rather like Motiga's Gigantic - is a far more MOBA-influenced game than the superhero FPS trappings of Overwatch, though that didn't help when they had so many aesthetic elements in common. On top of the obvious production quality difference, Battleborn was developed by Gearbox; last seen in any notable capacity churning out Aliens: Colonial Marines, aka one of the worst games of all time.

Blizzard's titles tend to be bonafide juggernauts regardless, and the sheer amount of ill-will towards Battleborn eventually resulted in its playerbase going below 100 players around the world, seeing Gearbox flick the 'free to play' switch and hope for the best.

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