10 Hotly-Anticipated Video Games That Will Disappoint You In 2016

2. The Last Guardian

What will go wrong: After six years of delays, TLG can't possibly live up to expectation. Think about it, Team ICO once made a game so well received, they'd eventually be named after it. Shadow of the Colossus would follow in 2005, justifiably becoming labelled as one of the first games to ponder the "Are games art?" question, thanks to such a gorgeous aesthetic and a story that really making you question your motivations when all been revealed. Cut to E3, 2009, and The Last Guardian appears out of nowhere. A young boy appears to be taking care of a large, majestic creature that's an equal mix of elegance and power. Gamers couldn't wait to see how it turned out... and we still can't, being it's now six years since that first trailer. 2015 saw the game return again at E3... with ostensibly the same footage we'd seen all those years ago. At this point it's too little, too late, and unless TLG turns into some genuinely enrapturing experience nobody can deny, it's going to be looked down upon right out the gate.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.