10 Huge 2016 Video Game Rumours You're Not Supposed To Know

1. The First Kojima-Less Metal Gear Solid Announcement

The final Metal Gear is one for the ages in every respect, although behind-the-curtain rumblings gave way to a working environment that became, shall we say, 'less than favourable'. Lead designer of the 28 year-strong franchise, Hideo Kojima, had a major falling out with Konami's executives, resulting in his protracted termination, the cancellation of horror reboot Silent Hills and his name being removed from all of MGS V's promotional materials - even the box itself. Hideo vowed to complete the project before leaving, but Konami have thrown out hiring adverts for what'll be the first Kojima-less MGS, assuring fans the series will continue one way or the other.
Likelihood? 5/10 It's very hard to say how they're going to play this one, as on the one hand you've got a Konami that are increasingly mistreating their workforce as their gambling division takes precedence over the company's direction, and on the other, well, they're straight-up hiring staff for a new MGS. How they handle themselves next year will be extremely interesting to see, and either way, at least MGS V: The Phantom Pain is getting 10/10s across the board, letting Kojima hold his head high in the face of it all. Which rumours do you wish come true the most? Or are any simply too ridiculous to happen? Let us know in the comments!
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