10 Huge Unresolved Mysteries In Mario Games

6. Why Is Everyone Happy Playing Sports Together?

Super Mario Confused

The world of Mario is full of dynamic duos and teams. From Mario and Luigi, Bowser and Bowser Jr., Diddy and Donkey Kong and, the undeniable best of the bunch, Wario and Waluigi, gamers everywhere have become familiar with seeing teamwork being emphasised in the Mario universe.

However, one big mystery in this universe is how Mario is able to organise various sporting events and get all of his friends and adversaries together for them. From tennis to the literal Olympics, the plumber's biggest foes from over the years including the likes of King Boo, Bowser Jr. and the Koopa King himself put their differences aside for the event. Who organises these events and brokers the peace amongst these characters?

Special mention has to go out to Mario Kart: Double Dash in particular with this. Having a grand collection of friends and foes for an adrenaline-pumping go-karting tournament is perhaps plausible, however Double Dash goes one step better by introducing the possibility of teaming up pretty much any combination of Mario characters together. Mario and Bowser and Luigi and King Boo are all able to put years of rivalries behind them in this historical tournament. Just a shame Pauline wasn't at the races yet to team up with long-term abductor Donkey Kong.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.