10 Huge Video Game Franchises That Are Doomed To Fail

8. Need For Speed

Far Cry 6

There's absolutely no denying the iconic status of the Need for Speed franchise - it has been around for close to 30 years and sold 100 million copies in that time.

But the series has also struggled to find satisfying ways to innovate over the last decade-or-so, with the likes of 2015's reboot, 2017's Need for Speed Payback, and 2019's Need for Speed Heat struggling to strike much of a chord with players.

The problem, inevitably, is that Need for Speed has basically had its lunch eaten by the Forza Horizon franchise, which while exclusive to PC and Xbox has been going from strength to strength in recent years.

In much the same way that the Medal of Honour franchise began to feel passe and failed to carve out a new niche for itself, Need for Speed feels like a relic of the past that just can't keep up with the vastly superior racing titles that have gobbled up its slice of the market share lately.

EA will inevitably keep making attempts to restart the franchise because they can't bear letting a brand name go to waste, but honestly, maybe it's OK if Need for Speed just gets put out to pasture.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.