10 HUGE Video Game Secrets You’ll Hate Yourself For Missing

5. Sarcastic Announcer - Wave Race: Blue Storm (2001)

Spider-Man PS1 What If Mode

Released for the GameCube in 2001, Wave Racer: Blue Storm was a light-hearted racing game in which players would race jet skis throughout a series of scenic locations, performing jumps and pulling off some tricks along the way. There was even a weather system that would affect the difficulty of the courses.

Part of this game’s laidback charm stemmed from the friendly announcers who’d comment on how players were doing throughout the race. Each of the playable characters had their own equally pleasant announcer, but there was a secret one who players could unlock by following some steps that were so unintuitive that it took nine years after this game's release for them to be found.

By entering the game’s audio menu, tweaking a wave form, and then entering a version of the famous Konami code, players would be granted access to the extra announcer.

The opposite of the encouraging voices that players were accustomed to, this announcer was incredibly sarcastic and merciless in their cruelty. They’d constantly undermine and mock players during the race by throwing out insults in the most unimpressed tone imaginable.

While players’ self-esteem might take a hit, this was a fun addition to an underrated title.

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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.