10 Huge Video Games That Could Still Release In 2022
9. Bayonetta 3
Why It Could Release In 2022
Last September, almost four years after it was first announced, Bayonetta 3 was reintroduced by Nintendo with a snazzy new trailer and promised 2022 release date.
And though many fans are skeptical that Bayonetta 3 will make that date, Nintendo seems strangely confident that it's coming before year's end, with the company's latest earnings report reiterating that it's part of their 2022 release slate.
Considering the many years it's been in production, it's definitely plausible that the character action threequel could hit near the end of the year, with a concrete date perhaps being announced in the next Nintendo Direct.
Why It Might Not
Nintendo hasn't ever been shy about pushing games back, and though that earnings report does suggest that Bayonetta 3 is currently on track for a 2022 bow, it wouldn't surprise anyone if the prolonged development resulted in it sliding into 2023.
If it doesn't show up in the next Nintendo Direct with a release date, it's most likely not coming this year.