10 Hugely Anticipated Video Game Sequels (That Probably Aren't Happening)

Not getting a sequel to Doom Eternal is a tragedy.

Doom Eternal
id Software

If we told you Dead Island 2 got delayed yet again, you'd probably believe us.

What an absolute development journey that title has been on. Originally scheduled for 2015, going MIA, being re-revealed and then almost instantly pushed back yet again. It seems like a video game that might never happen.

It's not alone in that feeling either. There are several franchises that, despite their previous successes and fan demand, seem to be struggling. In the era of instant information, fans are privy to a lot of rumours and backstage hearsay. However, it also means that we hear worrying truths about video games stalling or, worse yet, nothing at all... implying that the title has hit a brick wall.

There can be any number of reasons a game doesn't find its way into the hands of consumers but its heart-breaking when fans are desperate for a follow-up to a title they loved that never comes. It could be a case of poor sales numbers, internal conflict or simply that the team have nothing more to give to a particular franchise.

The video games on this list are the sequels that fans are patiently waiting for, and might be wasting their time in doing so.

10. Alien Isolation 2

Doom Eternal

As a series of video games adapted from a cinematic franchise, Alien titles have run the full gambit of quality over the last forty years.

Even as the franchise continues to tick over with squad based shooter Fireteam: Elite and RTS title Dark Descent due in 2023, an insider report from November 2022 about another new game caught quite a bit of attention. It said that Sega, who have owned the rights to the franchise for over 10 years, are working on an Alien survival horror title based on the likes of Dead Space and Resident Evil.

Of course, this conjured thoughts in many that the game might be the long awaited follow-up to Alien Isolation. Not just narratively brilliant, offering a wealth of new information to Alien lore, Isolation was a stand-out modern survival horror masterpiece that made the classic cinema monster scary in whole new ways.

Despite brief considerations, a sequel did not come and most of the core team from Creative Assembly moved on quickly after finishing their work on the game. With this in mind, whatever this Alien title is and however great it might be, it will not be Isolation 2.

It’s better to keep an open mind with this one. Hopefully, if nothing else, it will be a worthy spiritual successor.

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Doom Eternal
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The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.