10 Hugely Influential Video Games (That Made Everything Worse)

4. Street Fighter IV - Paying For New Fighters 

Uncharted 2

Remember the good old days of unlocking new characters in beat 'em ups? The tests of strength against bosses to have them on your roster, the playground whispers of secret criteria to unlock others.

Well, you can thank Street Fighter IV for diddling that up the way in favour of paying more, real money to get them instead.

Now, to its credit, SFIV was an incredible return to form after its eleven year hiatus. Across its iterations, I've put 300+ hours into it. But even I can see that having to buy newer versions or character packs is sheer corporate greed.

Could Tekken and Mortal, the last bastions from that era hold true to the old logic and remain faithful?

No, of course they couldn't. To experience the full Mortal Kombat 11 story, if you bought on launch, will run you nearer to £100 with the release of Aftermath.

Dragonball FighterZ, Granblue Fantasy: Versus... they're all in on it. Gone are the days of just unlocking fighters, now you're expected to fork out real money. It's even worse when it's older characters making a return.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.