10 Iconic Moments That Defined Assassin's Creed As A Series

2. €œHow D€™ya Like Them Apples?€ Achievement

Untitled 1 In a move more ballsy than a child€™s play area, Ubisoft opened Assassin€™s Creed III not putting you in the shoes of the man you€™d seen adorning every piece of promotional material surrounding the game. Instead you were Haythem Kenway, a perfectly serviceable ass-kicker in the ways of the Assassin discipline, or was he? After what became an extremely arduous and drawn-out prologue the length of which would make Battlefield 4 baulk, Haythem eventually revealed to his band of (who we thought were) Assassins, that the group are actually Templars, the antagonistic force that has permeated every entry into the series thus far. After spending such an amount of time with this character, he was then turned into the villain, which after the absurdity of everything else in the franchise thus far was a breath of fresh air, injecting a much-needed drive into the proceeding game that sadly ended up dissipating as time went by.
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