10 Iconic Moments That Defined Assassin's Creed As A Series

1. The Minerva Reveal

1 Remember back when Assassin€™s Creed€™s storylines were actually brilliant? Back when they knew what they were doing, and hadn€™t fell off the deep end, frantically trying to put together a semi-plausible plot that equally upped the ante, yet stayed true to the historically-accurate fiction? That was many moons ago, so many in fact that Ubisoft really had to pull something special out the bag to resuscitate this aspect of the game with Black Flag. Anyway, back to that moment in AC II when it was revealed an ancient race of godlike-beings were actually choosing Desmond€™s bloodline to be their salvation. Ezio has just defeated the evil Rodrigo Borgia. You enter a dark chamber illuminated by many futuristic-looking lights and dials, clearly not in-keeping with Renaissance Italy. Then the holographic Minerva appears, and literally addresses the player by looking straight at the camera. Narratively she was speaking to Desmond who had been in control of Ezio the entire time, yet with player agency in full-effect, this was a landmark moment for the overall Assassin€™s Creed canon, instilling the same €œwhat the f**k?!€ as Desmond exclaims after he sees the same event. Her resulting exposition planted many seeds that the series would never be able to keep track of in a satisfying manner, but for those few minutes where the entire game was jumping the shark in the most delightfully absurd way possible, it was amazing. So what did you guys make of the series as it went on? Have you managed to stick with it through the ups and downs, or was it just one or the other? Let us know in the comments!
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