10 Iconic Moments That Defined Assassin's Creed As A Series

10. Your First Flawless Assassination

Altair Kill I€™ll take a wild stab in the dark (with a pun fully intended) and assume that most people ended up getting spotted at the last minute, or otherwise fumbled their approach to kill in the first few games. This was mainly due to a lack of visual systems accurately telling you where you were in relation to the enemy, as well as animations that favoured the more open-world aspects of the game as oppose to the rarer small corridors or indoor markets. However speaking of market stalls, one of the first assassinations the game has you do is approach a man who is milling around amongst a swarm of innocent people. Like a hooded Agent 47, you make a beeline straight through the crowd, and using the hidden-blade casually gave him a cheeky one in the kidneys, before disappearing into the furore of gasps and swarming attention the crowd exhibit upon the discovery of your deed. Moments like this were sublimely iconic, and although Ubisoft€™s trailers for the games leaned more heavily on taking your enemies on head-first, those of us with a penchant for some ultra-slick ninja-embodiment always at least tried the silent approach first.
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