10 Iconic Moments That Defined Assassin's Creed As A Series

5. The Subject 16 Reveal

Subject 16 Back in the first game, when the modern-day plot elements were still being drip fed to you, as oppose to thwacking you over the head in a manner akin to one of Halo€™s Gravity Hammers, the offices of Abstergo were actually a joy to poke around. This is an idea that has made something of a return in Black Flag, but for the most part, the reason Ubisoft have gotten away with such increasingly-crazy plot threads, is due to laying so much solid groundwork. One such golden nugget of information you can uncover on your travels is figuring out that someone prior to you has been experimented on. With the game slowly putting into play the notion that you as modern-day Desmond were gradually learning the abilities of your ancestors through the €˜Bleeding Effect€™, a post-credits wander may have made you flick on Altair€™s €˜Eagle Vision€™ only to see a wall-full of scribbling from the (then-unknown) Subject 16; Clay Kaczmarek. The information within hinted at the wider narrative that would eventually come to be, although I€™m sure at that point in the series Ubisoft hadn€™t planned out just how many twists and turns they were going to throw at us.
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