10 Iconic Video Game Influences You'll Find In Zelda: Breath Of The Wild
8. Metal Gear Solid V

This one is slightly harder to define.
The best way to explain it is that Link feels fluid. He is connected to the world and yet can sprint, dodge, sneak and attack with the best of them; Link performs his own version of tactical espionage operations even though there's no CQC present.
Nintendo have undergone the same kind of change with Zelda that the Metal Gear franchise did with Konami over the decades of evolution each respective series has taken. Top down to full 3D. Limited directional movement with full analogue freedom. Stiff and clunky movements, to fluidity and grace.
Metal Gear Solid V gave Big Boss/Snake decent crouch mechanics, a duck 'n' dive to prone move plus a better CQC moveset. Similarly, Breath of the Wild lets Link climb trees for safety, sprint towards enemies to give out a charged melee attack and allows him to crouch in order to sneak up on opponents. He has been let off the leash at last! The Z-targeting system (that is now twenty years old) is now no longer the only tactic you have when fighting the hordes of beasts in Hyrule.
You can feint, jump, sprint, crouch and employ a host of varied tactics to defeat your foes - including stealth moves and shadows being helpful to your concealment.
All of it is very much welcome. Thanks Hideo Kojima!