10 Iconic Video Game Influences You'll Find In Zelda: Breath Of The Wild
4. Skyrim
There are three common features between Skyrim and Breath of the Wild: the first being the stamina meter. Used in Skyrim for everything from running to heavy attacks, Zelda has taken it on board for sprinting to and from combat and climbing.
Secondly, Zelda (at long last!) has a quest management system that doesn't require a quick trip to GameFAQs. There's nothing worse than loading up an old save of Zelda only to spend ten minutes figuring out which items you've collected from which dungeons and deciphering where exactly you should go next.
You can now clearly see which missions have been checked off your list, and what there is still left to do.
The map, navigation and inventory systems in Zelda have also taken cues from Skyrim. Not only do both games have absolutely huge areas to explore but getting lost or going off the beaten path is a joy in itself. Having a distraction on your way to a destination is part of what makes both games so memorable. You can now mark custom waypoints on Breath of the Wild's map and fast travel with a few button presses - easier and faster than previous Zelda games with no specific item needed.
Traditionally this has been a late game reward for Zelda, so it's refreshing to get the ability from the start.