10 Iconic Video Games That NEED A Remake

6. Wing Commander

Wing Commander
Origin Systems

Going to hold my hands up here and say that, no, I've never actually played Wing Commander - I was 2 when it came out - but that doesn't mean I can't recognise greatness when I see it. You don't have to go to a Carly Rae Jepsen concert to know it would be the best night of your life.

When Wing Commander first dropped in 1990 it changed everything. It was lights years ahead of any fighter sim or space game that had come along perviously and is still usually the bar by which both are measured today. For a game that's set almost entirely in a small cockpit it somehow had a great cast, engrossing action and a challenging mechanic of branched storylines. Meaning if you failed a mission, your path through the entire story changed.

Why am I advocating for a remake of a game I've never played though? Well, because look at it!

It still gets listed as one of the All Time Greats and, like, three quarters of that screen is occupied with the dashboard. No disrespect to 1990 here, I'm sure it was doing the best it could, but can you honestly look at that image above and tell me with total certainty if that's an explosion in the foreground or a massive star in the distance? No, you can't, just remake the game.

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