10 Images That Completely Killed The Magic Of Gaming

3. "Follow" - Call Of Duty

Though the Call of Duty franchise is almost entirely sold on the basis of its multiplayer suite alone, the single player campaign appeals to a lot of casual FPS players because it's short, simple and not particularly challenging. One of the most widely-mocked aspects of the various CoD campaigns is how they constantly instruct the player to "follow" another character, implying an almost perennially passive role throughout the usual 5 or 6 hour campaign. While these campaigns are rarely particularly memorable, we'd probably feel more engaged in what was going on if we didn't seem quite so inconsequential most of the time. Though the team-based dynamic is a way to make casual players feel more "safe", it's employed to the point of overkill, where we don't feel like an active participant in the action, but merely a traveler zipping from A-to-B-to-C to trigger the next set-piece. A great FPS will blur the seams and make us feel part of something, rather than a slave following a straight line.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.