10 Images That Will Restore Your Faith In Upcoming Video Games

9. Call Of Duty: WWII

Call Of Duty WW2 Zombies

Why We're Worried: It's a Call of Duty game so of course, no matter how much Activision claims they're going to innovate, it's hard to believe it.

Most new CoD titles are essentially more of the same, and with all the controversy surrounding the new game removing swastikas from both its campaign and Zombies mode, there's concern from some fans that the popular mode will be watered down for the sake of taste... which seems to totally miss the point of a CoD game in the first place.

Why This Image Rocks: A new trailer recently dropped for the game's Zombies mode, showing off the usual undead shenanigans, but also a new boss-type antagonist referred to as "the Devil himself", and basically resembling a Nazi version of Frankenstein's monster.

If you're a CoD fan and can't get excited about that, there's probably something wrong with you. The enemy design is legitimately terrifying and should inject some much-needed tension into a mode that's perhaps gotten a little too loose in its last few installments (as awesome as their hiring Jeff Goldblum was).


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.