10 Impossible Video Game Boss Battles That Totally Broke You
3. Ridley (Super Metroid)
Another trope of old-school 2D game design is to throw you up against something that drastically outsizes your position on the screen. Add collision damage and you've got a recipe for many rage quits, but at least Samus is one of the more mobile in gaming's pantheon of characters.
Still, Ridley - though she isn't the last boss - still represents one hell of an annoying fight, mainly because at no point do you ever have a solid grasp on where she is in relation to Samus. The camera simply isn't pulled out wide enough, and you're forever leaping to and fro, up and down to avoid Ridley's attacks and pathways, only to either bounce off - taking damage - or leaping right into something you couldn't have seen coming.
The gauntlet of enemies you have to overcome after every restart is annoying in itself, and being a ton of Metroid (Super and otherwise)'s inherent difficulty can be offset by focusing on finding more weapon and suit upgrades, the 'solution' is often to backtrack and deviate significantly. Not exactly the best way to overcome a series of boss mechanics, now is it?