10 Impossible Video Games Utterly Destroyed By Speedrunners

2. Battletoads

dark souls speedrun

Battletoads is another one of those classic nineties titles that has garnered an infamous reputation for being a devilishly difficult time. Ever since its initial launch on the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1991, a huge factor behind the game's difficulty was the control scheme on the system's cross-shaped D-pad.

Subsequent releases have gone out of their way to tone down the difficulty, but the infamous reputation of the original entry is what has made it so beloved. And that has helped foster a healthy speedrunning community.

Runner Xray662 currently holds the quickest world record for the Any% category for the game, setting a time of 12:33.753 with Rash (Green) back in April 2020. TheMexicanRunner holds the record for the Warpless category with a time of 23:42, and also set the world record for the 100% run with a time of 28:34.

Considering the average Battletoads playthrough usually consists of dozens of deaths scattered across anywhere between four to eight hours, it's a remarkable effort from these dedicated runners.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.