10 Improvements The New Gears Of War Needs To Have

8. Story + Atmosphere = Win

The Gears universe is pretty exciting. It's such a shame we've only seen little bits of it. Although the first few games have explored everything from ruined cities to underground caverns, how much of the history of this universe do we actually know? Unless you've delved into the additional lore (which most won't), the Gears universe will probably remain a mystery to you, filled with secrets to be plundered. One of the most interesting periods yet to be tapped by Gears history is E-Day, the day that humanity first encountered the Locust. We've heard about it in passing and through collectibles, but the actual E-Day experience, where humanity was almost utterly decimated, remains largely unexplored. If you're not inclined for the prequel route after Judgment (which was a bizarre choice of prequel), why don't we instead deal with the aftermath of Gears 3? Are the Locust really dead? How will the planet recover in the aftermath of the huge war? Whatever the story is, it needs to be much, much tighter after Gears 3 and Judgment undelivered. Think Gears 2; I loved the way the story developed, with intrigue, cliffhangers, emotion (Dom's wife - sob) and a genuine reason to fight and actually care about these characters. In the last two games, this was all stripped back in favour of the aforementioned 'bro' culture, where you were unstoppable and the Locust merely felt like an annoyance. Get rid of all of this, delve back into the history of this great franchise, and make something that's on par with the highest standards of storytelling in games. I.E. see The Last of Us and take inspiration.

Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.