10 Incredible Characters Wasted In Terrible Video Games

3. Anthony Higgs - Metroid: Other M

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You'd be hard pressed to find a Metroid fan with anything kind to say about Metroid: Other M, Team Ninja's disastrous, confounding action take on the beloved series.

Widely criticized for turning protagonist Samus Aran from confident, lone-wolf bounty hunter into a self-conscious girl who couldn't even make a decision without permission from her male superiors, Other M especially didn't shine in the character department. But most players agree that Anthony Higgs deserved to appear in a much better game.

Anthony is Samus's best friend from her days in the military, before becoming a bounty hunter. Anthony is charismatic and laid-back - a perfect foil for the usually stoic Samus. He actually recognizes her ability and vocally acknowledges that she's way stronger than him or any other average Federation soldier. Even better, he isn't set up as a love interest. He and Samus have a genuinely respectful, close friendship - something you don't often see between male and female characters in fiction.

He's also shown to be very competent, tough, and clever in his own right. So if he ever does reappear, it probably won't be as an escort mission, thank the Chozo.


At 34 years of age, I am both older and wiser than Splinter.