10 INCREDIBLE Indie Horror Games You Need To See

1. No One Lives Under The Lighthouse

No One Lives Under The Lighthouse
Sowoke Entertainment Bureau

In Marevo Collective’s self-proclaimed slow-burn retro horror, things move at a milder pace than they do in some of the other games on this list but somehow that only adds to the tension. You’re the new lighthouse keeper but not the kind anybody is going to want to marry and keep company because your lighthouse is mad haunted and the last guy went missing which is deeply uncool.

The story delves into places that are deeply Lovecraftian with genuine scares, a palpable sense of place and creepy atmosphere, as well as well-crafted sound design. While it seems that you’re just going through the motions doing monotonous tasks in your new gig, we’ve learned by this point in the list that nothing is as it appears.

It’s all delightfully unsettling as you try to uncover the secrets of your predicament, the setting, and what lies in the shadows. Or in this case, under the lighthouse.


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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.