10 Incredible Looking Games Due in 2013

8. Beyond: Two Souls

http://youtu.be/4NEup8y0g-Q Due Out: Q2 2013 Roger Ebert says video games can€™t be art. Quantic Dream - the French developers responsible for the revolutionary PS3 exclusive Heavy Rain - are on the forefront of the movement to prove him wrong. Using some truly breath taking motion capture techniques, Quantic Dream look to have done it again; look to have created a gaming world that feels and plays entirely more like a movie than a video game. And if it€™s half as thrilling, half as immersive and half as engrossing as their last offering, it looks like, as an Xbox-head, I might have to bite the bullet and buy another second hand PS3 come release. Beyond: Two Souls stars Ellen Page, of Juno and Super fame, in the lead role as a girl with curious but destructive telekinetic powers and a psychic connection to a mysterious, invisible entity. That€™s around all we know at this point, but I€™ll tell you one thing: if it was a movie, I€™d pay to see it. The fact that it€™s a video game - with multiple courses of action with potential multiple endings (if Quantic Dream€™s previous outings are any indicator) €“ only makes it seem all the more exciting. And just look at those graphics. I mean, mo-cap is admittedly going from strength to strength in recent years but still, I€™m not sure I€™ve ever seen a video game look so astonishingly like real life. I€™m there, that€™s a guarantee, even if it means me shelling out for a whole new console.
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.