10 Incredible-Looking Video Game Bosses (That Sucked To Fight)

4. Rafe Adler - Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

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Naughty Dog

Being the final instalment, Naughty Dog worked on Uncharted 4's epilogue early on in development to ensure the franchise went out in a high. For the most part, the team succeeded, since A Thief's End ties up every loose end, giving Nathan Drake the perfect send-off.

That's why it's ironic how Uncharted 4 dropped the ball with the final boss. Because Nate has known the main villain, Rafe Adler, for 15 years and the pair started off as allies, they have major beef with one another, which should give this finale some palpable pathos.

Instead, the Naughty Dog's tetralogy concludes with a glorified QuickTime sword fight. Although QTE gameplay can work, it's utilised poorly here. During this sequence, it's never explained Nate can attack whenever he wants, giving the player the erroneous belief they can only perform actions when the commands pop up (as is tradition in a QTE section). So, not only is this encounter gimmicky, the gameplay here is unclear.

Also, introducing a new mechanic during the emotional climax of a narrative-heavy game is silly. The rest of Uncharted 4's ending is so perfect, it makes this shoddy boss stand out even more for all the wrong reasons.


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