10 Incredible-Looking Video Game Bosses (That Sucked To Fight)

3. The Ancient Wyvern - Dark Souls III

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Since Dark Souls III boasts 25 bosses, not all of them are going to stand out. Having said that, even "bad" bosses like Wolnir and Vordt aren't without merit, since they look pretty daunting and have some imaginative mechanics.

Ironically, the most disappointing enemy happens to be the coolest looking one - The Ancient Wyvern. Hacking at the winged serpent is pointless, since it's immune to all standard attacks. Instead, our nameless knight must make their way through multiple traps and enemies, before plunging their blade into the colossal dragon's weakpoint.

How many times does this action have to be performed?

Once. One little stab, and The Ancient Wyvern is no more.

Now, taking down bosses with one shot can work in certain games. (Mysterio in Spider-Man 2 and The Electrocutioner in Batman: Arkham City are two obvious examples.)

But this is Dark Souls we're talking about - the franchise that redefined torture. Having a boss that can be eliminated with a single blow goes against everything the Soulsborne genre stands for. The fact the developers implemented the insta-kill mechanic with the most intimidating looking boss makes it all the more frustrating.


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