10 Incredible Nintendo Switch Games You Need To Stop Ignoring

2. Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze

Okami HD

Next up is the latest iteration in the Donkey Kong Country Returns series, starring Nintendo's favorite monkey and the rest of his personable family. This time around, DK and company find themselves exploring a gorgeous tropical environment full of quirky enemies and that special brand of Nintendo visual humor. Don't worry, the precision platforming and consistently entertaining gameplay loop come included too.

Like the other DKC instalments, DKTF is a mix of Mario-style platforming and challenging boss battles. You'll be primarily following the left-to-right platforming standard, but the game does mix in some 3D trickery with the backgrounds, having you leap back and forth between dimensions to solve certain puzzles. It offers a nice break from the standard platforming but never makes it commonplace, preserving the feature's unique quality.

Just to sweeten the pot, Tropical Freeze offers you the chance to play the whole campaign with a buddy (as long as they don't mind playing Diddy or Dixie). To complete the package, composer David Wise continues his excellent work with the series, ensuring long-time DK fans feel like they're home. Platformer fans and non-fans can both agree; Tropical Freeze is a quality pick-up for any type of gamer.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.