10 Incredible Nintendo Switch Games You Need To Stop Ignoring

3. Furi

Okami HD
Game Bakers

Speaking of fury, if you've been craving a pulse-pounding game full of tough boss battles complemented by an incredible synth-heavy soundtrack, then Furi is the shot of adrenaline you need. At its core is an interesting story that never gets in the way of the gameplay, yet never feels shallow or lazy. The protagonist's motivation and actions are explained within the first several minutes of gameplay, but there's plenty brewing under the surface when examined after your initial playthrough.

The foundation of Furi is in its boss battles though, and they are worth the price of admission alone. Every battle is an unrelenting test of your reaction timing, precision, and judgment. If you go for an extra hit that leaves you vulnerable, you'll be hit hard and it could ruin that run.

Beyond the battles and striking visual style is the simply amazing score. Filled out by several talented artists that you need to know about, Furi's soundtrack heightens the action beyond any level you'd expect and draws you into this world that's dark, cruel, and unlike anything you've seen. Fight, die, repeat, then listen to the soundtrack until the end of time.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.