10 INCREDIBLE PS2 Games The World Has Forgotten

7. Tenchu: Wrath Of Heaven

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Sekiro may be doing the rounds as the "hard as nails" ninja/Eastern mythology experience, whilst Ghost of Tsushima will keep it grounded yet just as fantastic in July.

But almost two decades prior, FromSoftware took over the reigns of the Tenchu series. An already difficult yet rewarding ninja experience, the first two outings were highly regarded on the PlayStation.

The transition to the next generation could only benefit Tenchu, with bigger scope and graphical capacity to do more.

And more they did. Whilst the gameplay still revolved around Rikimaru and Ayane, with again an unlockable third playable character, the leap to PS2 worked wonders.

A story around doppelgangers and time travel, it may have been a wee bit convoluted to start with. But it's sneak-about gameplay that made the series what it is. Punishing if you took on people directly, Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven could put Metal Gear Solid and Splinter Cell through their paces in stealth masterclass.

So why has Tenchu disappeared into obscurity? Well, you can thank Tenchu Z for that. It took all nuance and traded it for garish, arcade-like action. It was not a worthy trade.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.