10 INCREDIBLE PS2 Games The World Has Forgotten

6. Suikoden V

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Cows go moo, ducks go quack, Greg puts Suikoden in another list.

Yet this time around, it's not parading the glory of the second game. Instead, it's the fifth one getting all the praise.

Whilst the third installment was well received, the fourth wasn't. It deviated too much from the norm, which thankfully V picked up the slack on.

Fitting nicely in series canon, Suikoden V revisited everything that made the first two games great, whilst favouring the 3D stylings of the other two.

A captivating story, a colourful collection of recruitable characters, dueling and map battles were all well received. The only thing that hindered the fun were some insane loading times for the smallest screen transitions.

When you're investing so many hours into an RPG, you don't want more added on by loading times.

But then it can't be all bad. It did win IGN's 2006 award for Best Story on PS2, if that's all the incentive you need.

It may be the last full title we've seen of the Suikoden series, but if this is its proverbial swansong then it's a mighty one.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.