10 INCREDIBLE PS2 Games The World Has Forgotten
4. Maximo: Ghosts To Glory
Whilst it may be said that the transition of some games from 2D to 3D did not fair well, there are ways of getting around it.
Take Maximo: Ghosts to Glory, for example. Instead of being a continuation of, it is in fact a game "loosely based" in the world of Ghosts 'n' Goblins. Thus, circumventing the whole "it's not as good as its originals" derision. Very well played, Capcom.
In essence, this is Capcom's notoriously hard platformer/pad-breaker thrust into the next gen. Armour still breaks, you can get killed by parading around in your pants, the only downside is the lack of weapon variety.
It even carries a similar story beat, with the only caveat is that you die at the start. Death, not wanting to be outdone by the bad guy, pops you under his employ to save the damsel and keep his business ticking over.
Playing like MediEvil and Jersey Devil, albeit for the next established console, Maximo was an ace adventure only slightly beaten out by Jak and Daxter a couple months prior.
Again, only available via PS4 emulation, it's a hard sell to anyone who didn't experience it the first time around.