10 INCREDIBLE PS2 Games The World Has Forgotten

5. Freedom Fighters

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IO Interactive

Freedom FIghters, from Hitman developer IO Interactive, is a brilliant example of "What If?" gaming.

The "What If?" in question here being: what if the Russians invaded America?

Sure, it'd been done by the movie Red Dawn nineteen years prior, but who cares. This time around, the Ruski's invade good ol' New York (because nobody wants to invade Nebraska, I guess) and it's up to you to defend it... to an extent.

The you in this is one of half of a duo of plumber brothers. Alas, not the mushroom eating variety, but the city-savvy type that fervently defends his country from the invading forces.

Yet what made Freedom Fighters unique was its recruitment and team-playing mechanic. The more benevolent you are, the more your charisma appeals to others, thus your resistance grows bigger.

It didn't have the in-depth attitude of say, Command & Conquer, but you could issue your squad in a variety of tactics and offensive/defensive positions.

Despite reviewing well, plans for a sequel went stagnant after developing shifted towards Kane & Lynch... and we all know how that turned out.

IO does still own the rights though...


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.