10 Incredible Star Wars Video Games That Desperately Deserve Sequels

8. Republic Commando

Expanded upon in nearly almost every other medium except its original one, Republic Commando always had one of the best concepts for a Star Wars game. Taking on the role of the Republic's most seasoned Clone Troopers was always going to work well, but taking the Rainbow Six formula (albeit a simplified one) and propelling it into the sci-fi setting made the game unmissable. In fact, it seems to be a recurring theme that the best Star Wars titles don't have Jedi in them at all. Instead, the primary protagonists of the series are merely your three squad-mates, who while bear rudimentary caricatures reminiscent of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (they're even colour co-ordinated for good measure), are very sympathetic and instil a sense of camaraderie not often found in other pieces of Star Wars media. Gameplay too was refined and tactical, making battle-droids actually feel threatening and upping the ante so as to make caution and defensive gameplay essential in order to succeed. Resurrected into the main Star Wars canon thanks to The Clone Wars, Boss, Scorch, Fixer and Sev all have plenty of stories left to be told, but perhaps the most interesting to utilise would be to focus on the unit's role in Order 66. Being the best in the business there's no doubt Delta Squad had a role in the Jedi's downfall, so to see that from their perspective would be especially interesting to see transpire on screen.
Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.