10 Incredible Video Game Mechanics That SHOULD Be Everywhere (But Aren't)

4. Skip Gameplay Segment

Marvel's Midnight Suns

Here's a feature that showed up just recently in the new indie adventure game Tchia, and would be great to see in more games - being able to skip a given gameplay segment.

While playing Tchia, at any time players can hit the pause button and, if they find a particular gameplay sequence boring or frustrating, can simply skip it and move onto the next one.

Given that the game features a large number of fairly dull, repetitive fetch quests, being able to speed past these sequences with the mere press of a button is a hugely considerate feature.

And though the ability to skip gameplay will be controversial to some, with the potential to miss out on story beats and some developers wanting you to experience everything they've slaved away to create, if somebody's paid money to play a game, why not let them get through it however they want?

We've all played great games with one or two majorly frustrating sequences - say, obnoxiously tricky stealth levels or escort missions - and so being able to wave the flag of surrender and jump past them, or let the game auto-play them, is a terrifically consumer-friendly feature.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.